All educational materials are ready to print and ship, or can be customized with your department name, logo, and contact info. Once you find materials you want to order, give us a call, or send us an email with your department name, the name(s) of products you'd like to order, and their quantities.
Click each image for a preview of the interior spreads!

Coloring Book
Tick Coloring Book
Zika Coloring Book
This 20 page coloring/activity book will both educate and entertain. 13 pages of illustrations with messages to color, 1 word search, maze, connect the dots illustration and answer page. Children will get hours of entertainment value from this "Score Against Bites" work book. Available in English and Spanish.
This 20 page coloring/activity book will both educate and entertain. 15 pages of illustrations with messages to color, 1 word search, maze, connect the dots illustration and answer page. Children will get hours of entertainment value from this "Hide and Go Seek with Ticks" activity book. Available in English and Spanish.
This 20 page coloring/activity book will both educate and entertain. 15 pages of illustrations with messages to color, 1 word search, maze, connect the dots illustration and answer page. Children will get hours of entertainment value from this activity book. Available in both English and Spanish.
20 page activity book
250 copies: $755.00 + shipping
500 copies: $978.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $1,822.00 + shipping
20 page activity book
250 copies: $755.00 + shipping
500 copies: $978.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $1,822.00 + shipping
20 page activity book
250 copies: $755.00 + shipping
500 copies: $978.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $1,822.00 + shipping
Temporary Tattoos
These are fun, full-color tattoos that kids love. You will have an instant line of kids and parents waiting for their turn to wear your customizable tattoos. Your organization name/message can be added around the bottom half of the tattoos.
"Fight the Bite" Mosquito Calendar
12 month calendar
100 copies: $1,150.00 + shipping
250 copies: $1,950.00 + shipping
100 sets of 5: $950.00 + shipping
200 sets of 5: $1,140.00 + shipping
500 sets of 5: $1,465.00 + shipping
1,000 sets of 5: $2,110.00 + shipping


"Bug Time Stories" Storybook
Bite Buster adds his special spin to some classic tales. This collection of short stories mixes familiar characters with tips on avoiding tick and mosquito bites. As BB says, "Attention to Prevention!"
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
"Fight the Bite" Storybook
This book introduces Bite Buster, the superhero who fights the bite! We will add your customized text on the inside from and back cover, allowing for the specific messaging of your local program, and/or department.
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
"The Sinister Secret of the Stinky Storm Drain" Storybook
Maria and her friends investigate a stinky storm drain and discover a big problem. We will add your customized text on the inside front cover and back cover, allowing for the specific messaging of your local program, and/or department.
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping

"Martians Meet the
Mosquitoes" Storybook
This fun 2-in-1 storybook takes children on a journey to outer space to educate their new friends on ways to safeguard themselves from mosquitoes and ticks.
"The A-B-Cs of Bites" Storybook
Children will love to read the full-color, fully illustrated ABC's of BITES storybook. Children and parents alike will be educated by the facts and creative illustrations depicted by the journey through the alphabet. We will add your customized text on the inside front cover and back cover, allowing for the specific messaging of your local program, and/or department.
"Ricky Beats the Birthday
Bites" Storybook
Follow the adventures of Ricky and Lauren as Ricky gets an unwanted bite for his birthday. We will add your customized text on the inside front cover and back cover, allowing for the specific messaging of your local program, and/or department.
"What's Bugging You?" Storybook
Carl learns a lesson on ticks and mosquitoes from Professor James in this informative storybook.
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
"Ten Tiny Mosquitoes" Storybook
This simple counting book is both fun and educational. Emily, Livi and Nathaniel learn ways to protect themselves against mosquitoes.
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
24 page storybook
100 copies: $1,250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,250.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $3,950.00 + shipping
Zika Flyer
This informative flyer lists the symptoms of the Zika virus as well as information on preventing and protecting yourself against bites.
250 copies: $250.00 + shipping
500 copies: $350.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $490.00 + shipping

Zika Coloring Book
This 20 page coloring/activity book will both educate and entertain. 15 pages of illustrations with messages to color, 1 word search, maze, connect the dots illustration and answer page. Children will get hours of entertainment value from this activity book. Available in both English and Spanish.
20 page activity book
250 copies: $755.00 + shipping
500 copies: $978.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $1,822.00 + shipping

Zika Rack Cards
Tip and Toss
Useful information for keeping your yard free of breeding sites to help reduce the mosquito population in your yard.
Don't Be Mosquito Meat!
This rack card lists how to use repellents and dress to protect yourself against mosquito bites.
The Zika Virus can cause birth defects. Here you will find information for protecting yourself during pregnancy.
Zika Outreach Pack
These ready-to-ship bundles include 250 of each item: ZIKA Coloring Books, Stop Growing Mosquitoes in Your Yard Brochures, 3 ZIKA Rack Cards, and ZIKA Flyers.
These easy-to-use Door Hangers come precut and ready to hang. Available for Tip & Toss and Don’t Be Mosquito Meat. Your Logo and contact information will appear on the back.
500 copies: $385.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $560.00 + shipping
Zika Tip & Toss Door Hangers
1 Pack: $1,175.00 + shipping
250 sets of 3: $280.00 + shipping
500 sets of 3: $400.00 + shipping
1000 sets of 3: $625.00 + shipping


Stop Growing Mosquitoes in
Your Yard Brochure
This brochure was created for the South Lakes Mosquito Abatement District in Il. The brochure educates the public via simple illustrations depicting actions that can be taken around the home to prevent mosquitoes from growing. This trifold brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $395.00 + shipping
500 copies: $540.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $830.00 + shipping
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases #1
This brochure covers the tick basics and includes the black legged (deer) tick (Ixodes scapularis), the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) and the dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis). This brochure is produced in full color with easy to understand facts and photography. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the front cover and/or back cover panel. This 8.5" x 14" brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases #2
This fold-out brochure opens up like a road map to present four important ticks along with the diseases they transmit. The brochure also gives tick biology, personal protection recommendations, directions on how to remove a tick and tips for tick control around the yard. This brochure is produced in full color with easy to understand facts and photography. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the front cover and/or back cover panel. This trifold, fold-out brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $670.00 + shipping
500 copies: $815.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $1,225.00 + shipping

250 copies: $1,550.00 + shipping
500 copies: $2,110.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $2,780.00 + shipping

How to be Tick Free Brochure
This brochure acts as a quick reference guide on how to Protect Yourself, Check Yourself, and what to do in the event of a tick bite. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the back cover panel. This tri-fold brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $395.00 + shipping
500 copies: $540.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $830.00 + shipping

Disease Carrying Insects: Mosquitoes and Ticks
This is a 20 page, full-color 5.5" x 8.5" go-to reference guide for Mosquitoes, Ticks, West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease. It includes much of the information presented in the four brochures and more. We will add your customized text on covers 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the brochure, allowing for your specific messaging of your local department.
250 copies: $1,360.00 + shipping
500 copies: $1,835.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $2,690.00 + shipping
Disease Carrying Insects: Mosquitoes
This is a 16 page, full-color 5.5" x 8.5" go-to reference guide for Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus. We will add your customized text on covers 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the brochure, allowing for your specific messaging of your local department.
250 copies: $1,175.00 + shipping
500 copies: $1,480.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $2,280.00 + shipping

Understanding Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus
This brochure presents information about WNV, the signs and symptoms of the disease, and personal protection from mosquito bites. This brochure is produced in full-color with easy to understand facts and photography. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the front cover and/or back cover panel. This 8.5" x 14" brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $670.00 + shipping
500 copies: $815.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $1,225.00 + shipping
The Asian Tiger Mosquito
This brochure presents facts about and ideas on how to control the Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) which has invaded many areas in the US. This colorful and easy-to-understand brochure is popular for frustrated homeowners who are looking for a way to get rid of this pest. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the front cover and/or back cover panel. This tri-fold brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $395.00 + shipping
500 copies: $540.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $830.00 + shipping
Mosquitoes, West Nile Virus,
and Repellants
This 8 page 5.5 x 8.5 brochure covers mosquito basics and includes how to protect yourself and your yard against mosquitoes and West Nile Virus. The brochure is produced in full color with easy to understand facts and photography. Your department’s contact information and logo can be added on the front and back cover panels.
250 copies: $995.00 + shipping
500 copies: $1,115.00 + shipping
1000 copies: $1,495.00 + shipping

Choosing the Right Repellent
This brochure presents the four EPA-approved and CDC recommended insect repellents, briefly explaining each one and the safety precautions to take when using repellents. This brochure is produced in full color with easy to understand facts and photography. Your department's contact information and logo can be added on the front cover and/or back cover panel. This 8.5 x 14 brochure is perfect for the literature stand or as a handout at events.
250 copies: $670.00 + shipping
500 copies: $815.00 + shipping
1,000 copies: $1,225.00 + shipping